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Everything is always working out for me Sticker
I made this sticker with my favorite line which I find myself repeating multiple times a day.
This sentence is kinda like the F-word.
It changes its meaning depending on when you say it.
So when shitty things happen you can say it with sarcasm and when good things happen you can say it with confidence and when you don’t know WTF just happened you can say it to remind yourself that ultimately everything is gonna be ok.
Cuz it will.
Most important is to say it when you actually don’t believe it at all.
“Everything is always working out for me” is like a magic potion that shines a light on the nearly invisible positive details woven into your shit-show situation.
It makes seeing a better tomorrow a little bit easier, and helps make sense of your shit-show yesterday.
For the record, what this sentence is not, is “Everything happens for a reason.”
…personally, I find that sentence triggering.
You gotta use “Everything is always working out for me” pretty consistently for it to work to its full capacity, but try it. I think you’re gonna like it.

Highly recommend.
Get 10 of these 3.5" x 3.5" stickers to cover your universe.