So happy you decided to click through!
Hey there, I'm Tova. Nice to meet you.
I've been doing this EarSeeds things for a while- since 2014 actually.
My husband Elie and I launched EarSeeds.com and about 18 months later, EarSeedsAcademy.com.
There we teach this modality in-depth to those who want to learn it more throughly for the most impactful results.
Basically, we know a thing or two about this unique and strangely fascinating (and proven) modality.
But before EarSeeds?
I'd spent about 20 years as a product designer in the NYC fashion industry.
But I had to leave that world.
Me & The Man

Ya know how sometimes something happens in your life that changes the way you see the whole world and specifically, your spot in it?
So yeah. That happened.
In 2009 our second pregnancy - identical twin girls, forever nicknamed Sunshine & Daisy, were stillborn at 24 weeks.
They'd experienced a rare twin placental disorder called Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome, or TTTS.
Wow, it's been a while since I typed those words.
At a certain point in my life, for many years, I probably typed those words multiple times- maybe hundreds of times- every single day.
Into search engines, support groups, blog posts, articles, letters to doctors and heartbroken moms who'd sadly found their way to the TTTS Grief Support Group that I'd founded on FB in our daughters' memory.
Losses like that, yeah, they truly shift how you look at the world around you.
And my world became a place of darkness.
My lowest point came one day, a few months after they died.
I was back at work, designing all kinds of bright and shiny things in the NYC fashion industry.
But I was the farthest thing you could imagine from bright and shiny myself.
I was hauling my butt to work, puffy eyes from crying myself to sleep, unwashed hair, disheveled clothes. I didn't care.
I was grieving.
One day my boss called me into the showroom. I emerged from the back room, behind my computer where I did my work buried in a cocoon of sorrow.
Pregnant with the twins, not feeling great on the floor at the office.
In the showroom sat two buyers from a department store. Two beautiful young women.
With their bouncy blond hair sweeping their shoulders, the bright showroom lights made them appear to literally glow with the freshness of youth and possibility.
"This is Tova" my boss declared. "She makes the magic happen."
In that moment, in my dirty jeans, and beat up sneakers, wearing a too-small t-shirt stretched across my post (dead) baby belly, I wanted nothing more than for the floor to open up and swallow me whole.
It didn't.
I pasted on a smile and greeted them briefly before turning to excuse myself from the room.
As I left, I heard a voice, so loud and clear in my head say "Yeah, well, they'd look like shit too if they had two dead babies."
And when I heard that thought- I knew.
This was not going to be where I got stuck. No way.
I needed to find my light, or I was going to drown.
And so I proactively started looking for light... and I began by wearing sequins.
Just little bits at first.
The way it reflected light gave me a reason to smile.
And I shared my sparkle = smile concept with my loss mom friends in online support groups.
And when it struck a chord with them- when I started to see the impact this creative, colorful, light reflecting magic sparkle could have on others, that's when my world started to brighten back up.
I called it Finding My Muchness- and it grew into a community of hundreds of women on a journey to find themselves again.
And it felt like the most meaningful work I could do in my life.
I quit my job in the fashion industry to do it full time.
I gave a TEDX talk, wrote a book.... all the things.
All the things.

Bringing light to others, loving these women back to who they were when they loved themselves, I'd never felt more fulfilled.
In the meantime, Elie (my acupuncturist husband) dreamed up the idea of turning a tool in his acupuncture toolkit, ear seeds, into a business.
I put on my product designer hat to help him get that up and running.
But ear seeds are amazing and that business rapidly took off.
It ate into my Muchness time. I felt pulled in too many directions.
At that point we had two young daughters and I had to choose where to focus my energy.
And so I dove head-first into EarSeeds.
I told myself when the time was right I'd renew The Muchness Project...
That was 6+ years ago.
And now, my friend, the time is right. And SPARK'D EarSeeds is the vehicle.
So, why SPARK'D?
Why launch a whole new brand when we already have a successful business?
Honestly, because I wanted (needed) to.
Because the SPARKLE of SPARK'D is what ignites me. And I missed it.
The meaning I discovered all those years ago, helping women in the darkest corners of grief re-find their light by invited a little bit of sparkle, color, creativity and self-expression into their life... it's such a powerful message.
We're living in a time when the world surely could use a bit more light.
Ear seeds are an amazing tool to help combat emotional and physical pain and discomfort. When your pain and anxiety aren't overwhelming, it's just a little bit easier to see those little moments of light all around you!
I chose the name SPARK'D because those little nerve endings on your ear literally SPARK messages to your brain.
Their beautiful gold & Swarovski crystals SPARKle on your ears and make you feel like a god or goddess.
And I know that there is light inside every single one of us and it is my greatest joy to inspire you SPARK yours and help it grow.
Thank you and I'm excited to have you along for the ride!
XO, Tova
PS- I've created a lil' 22 Day SPARK'D challenge to help you tap into your SPARK'D Moments and get in the habit of seeing the little moments of light and joy in your every day.
You can learn more HERE.